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Q: Is standard deviation a inferential statistic?
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Related questions

What is the statistic that is used to estimate a population standard deviation?

the sample standard deviation

Why is standard deviation of a statistic called standard error?

The standard error is the standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.

What are examples of the relationship between descriptive and inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics summarize and present data, while inferential statistics use sample data to make conclusions about a population. For example, mean and standard deviation are descriptive statistics that describe a dataset, while a t-test is an inferential statistic used to compare means of two groups and make inferences about the population.

What is Confidence Intervals of Standard Error?

The standard deviation associated with a statistic and its sampling distribution.

What symbol is used for the standard deviation when it is a sample statistic?

σ (sigma)

What is standard deviation of the mean?

If repeated samples are taken from a population, then they will not have the same mean each time. The mean itself will have some distribution. This will have the same mean as the population mean and the standard deviation of this statistic is the standard deviation of the mean.

What statistic is the average amount by which the scores in a distribution vary from the mean?

Standard deviation

What are the different divisions of statistics?

Parametric and non-parametric statistics.Another division is descriptive and inferential statistics.Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics describes a population (e.g. mean, median, variance, standard deviation, percentages). Inferential infers some information about a population (e.g. hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, ANOVA).

The descriptive statistic that estimates the typical distance of any score from the mean is?

standard deviation

Is a t-test a descriptive statistic?

A t-test is a inferential statistic. Other inferential statistics are confidence interval, margin of error, and ANOVA. An inferential statistic infers something about a population. A descriptive statistic describes a population. Descriptive statistics include percentages, means, variance, and regression.

Is correlation coefficient an inferential statistic?


When we know the population mean but not the population standard deviation which statistic do we use to compare a sample to the population?

The sample standard error.