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yes it takes up valuble resource time

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Q: Is there any disadvantage of simple random?
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What is the difference between simple random sampling and random sampling?


Is there any Advantages of simple random sampling?

Cheap, simple, easily applied to a small population ensures bias is not introduced

What are the advantages and disadvantages of systematic sampling in statistics?

Hi, 1.The main advantage of Systematic sampling over simple random sampling is its simplicity. It allows the researchers to add a degree of system or process into the random selection of subjects. 2.Another advantage of systematic random sampling over simple random sampling is the assurance that the population will be evenly sampled. Disadvantage The process of selection can interact with a hidden periodic trait within the population.

Is cluster sampling random?

It can be but it is not simple random sampling.

What is simple random sampling and stratified random sampling?


Are there any Advantages of quota random sampling?

Yes, if under simple random sampling there are likely to be too few representatives from a certain subset of the population in which you might have an interest.

What are the disadvantage of sr flip flop?

we cannot have input 1,1 this is disadvantage,but the circuit is simple the advantage

What is the difference between simple random sampling and systematic random sampling?

simple random sample is to select the sample in random method but systematic random sample is to select the sample in particular sequence (ie 1st 11th 21st 31st etc.)• Simple random sample requires that each individual is separately selected but systematic random sample does not selected separately.• In simple random sampling, for each k, each sample of size k has equal probability of being selected as a sample but it is not so in systematic random sampling.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the magnetic tape?

Advantages: One of the cheapest forms of data storage. Disadvantage: low density (bulky), not random access (slow).

Compare the efficiency of simple random sampling with systematic random sampling for estimating the population mean and give your comments?

Compare the efficiency of simple random sampling with systematic random sampling for estimating the population mean and give your comments.

What is the difference between a simple random sample and a stratified random sample?

Sometimes a population consists of a number of subsets (strata) such that members within any particular strata are alike while difference between strata are more than simply random variations. In such a case, the population can be split up into strata. Then a stratified random sample consists of simple random samples, with the same sampling proportion, taken within each stratum.

When individuals all have an equal chance of being selected and all samples have an equal chance of being selected its called a stratified random example convenience cluster or simple random sample?

Simple random sampling.