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Q: One use of the chi-square goodness of fit test is to determine if specified multinomial probabilities in the null hypothesis is correct True False?
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What is the significance of a hypothesis?

The significance test is the process used, by researchers, to determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected, in favor of the alternative research hypothesis, or not.

What will you do with your data when it is collected?

The collected data is organized in a fashion so you can determine if the hypothesis is supported.

What is Hypothesis Testing of Test of Independence?

A test using relative errors comparing factors in a contingency table to determine if the factors are dependent; the null hypothesis is that the factors are independent.

Reject or accept null hypothesis F-test?

Using the data in the Excel file Consumer Transporta

How are probabilities determined?

Probabilities are calculated or estimated in a variety of methods. A non-quantitative means, used by weather forecasters, is to look at general conditions, is provide probabilies based on all indicators. In this way, the probabilities reflect their belief of certain events occurring from 0 (will not occur) to 100% (certain to occur). A second wasy probabilities are determined is to collect data, and determine the relative frequency of a particular event. Perhaps 10% of all motorists drive above the speed limit in a particular area, based on data collection, so we can state the probability of a motorist speeding in a certain area is 10%. Finally, probabilities are developed based on other known probabilites or assuming equally likely outcomes. If I have 5 outcomes, and they are equally likely, then the probability of each one occurring in 20% if these outcomes are independent and mutually exclusive. If I know the chance of coin flip coming up heads is 0.50, I can determine the probability of two coins coming up heads is 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25.

Related questions

What is an inverse hypothesis?

To determine the inverse, negate both the hypothesis and conclusion.

It Comes after a hypothesis and is used to determine whether the hypothesis is correct?

Test your hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

What does math have to do with a peditrician?

A peditrician might need to use math to determine the kind of disease for probabilities.

What are the two parameters that are necessary to determine probabilities for a particular normal distribution curve?

Mean and Standard Deviation

What is the significance of a hypothesis?

The significance test is the process used, by researchers, to determine whether the null hypothesis is rejected, in favor of the alternative research hypothesis, or not.

What is a testable hypoyhesis?

A testable hypothesis is one where you can experimentally manipulate variables in order to determine the veracity of the hypothesis.

How do you determine legitimate probability distributions?

Well... the probabilities should add up to exactly 1 and cannot be negative.

What is the definition scientific conclusion?

To determine if your hypothesis is right

Is a womans hypothesise wrong?

that depends on exactly what the hypothesis is. You cannot determine if something is right or wrong by who made the hypothesis.

What following statement is not part of testing a hypothesis?

Concluding that the hypothesis is correct based on personal beliefs or opinions is not part of testing a hypothesis. Testing a hypothesis involves designing experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results to determine if the hypothesis is supported or not.

Determine the hypothesis in this conditional statement if it is after midnight then the store will be closed?

It is after midnight((:

Why should hypotheses testable?

How else would you determine the validity of the hypothesis.