As there are 26 letters in the alphabet. You can calculate the number of combinations by multiplying 26x26x26, giving you the answer 17576.
5! 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 *1 = 120 arrangements you take the number of letters in the words and make it a factorial.
Assuming you are using the standard English alphabet, the number of combinations you can make are: 26 x 26 = 676 combinations.
It's going to make a big difference how many characters there are on each license plate.It's also going to make a big difference how many of them have to be numbers andhow many have to be letters.-- If each plate has one character, then there are 36 possibilities.-- If each plate has 2 characters, then there are 1,260 possibilities.But if it has to be 1 number and 1 letter, then there are only 260 possibilities.-- If each plate has 3 characters, then there are 42,840 possibilities.But if it's 2 numbers and 1 letter, then there are only 2,340 possibilities.And if it's 1 number and 2 letters, then there are 6,500 possibilities.You can see that in order to answer the question, we need to know more detailsabout the rules of license-plate formatting.
6P4 = 6!/(6-4)! = 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 = 360 four letter permutations from 6 different letters.6C4 = 6!/[4!∙(6-4)!] = 15 four letter combinationsfrom 6 different letters.
You could rearrange the letters in "peaces" to form the word "escape."
If you rearrange the letter of EIGHTH, you can make the word HEIGHT
Those letters can be used to spell "greyhound".
Rearrange these following letters to make another word to describe carnivores. (rope drat) predator.
Make notes that:There are 2 c's in the given word.There are 2 o's in the given word.Since repetition is restricted when rearranging the letters, we need to divide the total number of ways of rearranging the letters by 2!2!. Since there are 9 letters in the word to rearrange, we have 9!. Therefore, there are 9!/(2!2!) ways to rearrange the letters of the word 'chocolate'.