Data is facts and statistics collected for reference and/or analysis. Data can be numbers, text, addresses, etc. Here is an example of data: Plant 1: 5 cm Plant 2: 3 cm Plant 3: 8 cm
Secondary data is data collected from other sources than your own such as reference books or the Internet.
Discrete data are observations on a variable that which take values from a discrete set.
Quantitve observation (quality)... Qualitive observation involves the quality... THANKS MR. ENDRIS 2011LJHS
Quantitative data is numerical and deals with measurable quantities, while qualitative data is descriptive and deals with qualities or characteristics. Quantitative data can be analyzed using statistical methods, while qualitative data is typically analyzed through interpretation.
No. Both can be described in terms of numbers(e.g. 100 kilograms, 10 cubic meters) so they are quantitative properties.
In the appropriate context, anything can be an example of data so there is no non-example.
Sending an email is an example of data communication
Quantitative data deals with numbers. It is data that can be measured. An example of this is: 51% of the world's population is female.
Mineral data
Non-example of bivariate data in numbers is that with numbers that have no relationship between them.
what are the different user define data types explain with example
5 example of data processing
exclusive method of data classification with example?
An example of quantitative data would be the number of people born in 1 hour.