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Quantitative descriptions have to do with numbers such as 2 cars ,5 children etc. Qualitative descriptions have to do with characteristics such as the flat ball the red cup etc.

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Q: What are quantitative and qualitative descriptions?
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Compare quantitative and qualitative descriptions?

i dont know... sorry

How are quantitative and qualitative observations different?

Quantitative observations are measurements, giving numerical answers. Qualitative ones produce simple descriptions, e.g. bubbles.

What are the example of the qualitative?

Qualitative descriptions are generally adjectives like 'cool' or 'hot' whereas quantitative descriptions are values like '35 degrees celsius'.

Difference between quantitative and qualitative test?

Qualitative test represents the substance and a quantitative test shows the amount.First Deals with descriptions, second one with numbers

How are quantitatives and qualitative different?

Quantitative observations are measurements, giving numerical answers. Qualitative ones produce simple descriptions, e.g. bubbles.

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What is the definition of qualitative and quantitative data?

The way I remember it is that Quantitative data includes quantities... numbers. 3.4 m, or 57 degrees Celsius Qualitative data describes qualities... descriptions. hot, blue, longer.

How are qualitative and quantitative research alike?

For example, in qualitative research you resort to a case study approach, while in quantitative research you may resort to survey method. Quantitative research largely deals with volumes of data collected from primary or secondary sources. Qualitative research will focus on descriptions, contents, views, perspectives and its analysis.

Definition of quantative and qualitive observation?

Quantitative observation involves measurements or numerical data, while qualitative observation involves descriptions based on qualities such as color, shape, or texture. Quantitative observations are often objective and precise, whereas qualitative observations are more subjective and descriptive in nature.

What is the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative properities?

Qualitative properties are descriptive and subjective characteristics of an object, such as color or texture, that do not involve numerical measurements. Quantitative properties, on the other hand, involve numerical measurements and values, such as weight or temperature, that can be measured and quantified.

What are Qualitative quantitative aspects?

qualitative = how good something is quantitative= how much of it there is

Is birthday Qualitative or Quantitative?

Date of birth is Qualitative, but age is Quantitative.