

Best Answer

The colour of your hair, the district that you live in, your gender.

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Q: What is an example of a descriptive variable?
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What is descriptive variable?

A variable is a measured quantity In the context of survey research, a descriptive variable is one that is just to be reported on, with no conclusions drawn about influence or causality eg. place of birth may be a descriptive variable where we just thought was something interesting to put in the report.

Example of descriptive?

ah descriptive fdfgdf

What is a Descriptive Phrase?

Phrases that describe. Example (not descriptive): a girl Example (descriptive): a girl with her hair tied up in a precise bun

Is Descriptive an adjective?

yes, for example; the descriptive text is thrown on the desk..

Descriptive research example?

There are many examples of descriptive research. One way to easily show an example of descriptive research is to show how the periodic table categorizes the elements.

What is variable and example of variable?

An variable in science something that can be changed and example is facts and figures .

What is an example of descriptive statistics?

Examples of descriptive statistics are mean, median, mode, and midrange.

What is a qualitative variable in statistics?

A variable that is not numerical but descriptive or categoric. Answers to what colour is your car, what is your favourite fruit/ band/ movie, your gender: male/female,

What is an auctorial descriptive?

An auctorial descriptive is an adjective based on the name of an author, for example, Shakespearian, Chaucerian.

Difference of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics?

Descriptive statistics label, name, or give information about a variable. Inferential stats are inferred from a smaller data set to be valid for the whole population.

Is temperature an example of continuous variable?

Yes. It is a continuous variable. As used in probability theory, it is an example of a continuous random variable.

Is the variable of x an example of abstract representation?

is the variable of x an example of abstract representation