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You think of each toss as having heads or tails, so there are two choices. If you toss the coin twice you have 4 choices HH, TT, HT and TH. The number of different coin tosses is 2^n ordered tosses and n+1 unordered. For example in two tosses, 2^2=4 ordered tosses if HT is different than TH and if HT is the same as TH then we have 2+1=3 different possible tosses.

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Q: What is one method for calculating the total number of outcomes in a sample space?
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A set of outcomes are called results. All possible outcomes are referred to as the sample space.

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The sample space consists of the following four outcomes: TT, TH, HT, HH

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11 * * * * * No, on two counts. The sample space is the possible outcomes of the experiment, not the NUMBER of possible outcomes. And, as far as this experiment is concerned, there is no way to distinguish between the two occurrences of b and i. So there are, in fact, only 9 possible outcomes. Two of these outcomes have a higher probability but that is a different matter. The sample space is {p, r , o , b, a, i, l, t, y} a set of cardinality 9.

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