It is an estimate that is quite safe
The estimate for 15,772 is 10,000
It could estimate to 480 or even 500, depending on what way you want to estimate it to.
An upper bound estimate is a estimate that is greater than the actual solution.
0.75 is a good estimate.
Unless there is a sliding mechanism in your email service, it is impossible, at least to the regular human.
Mathematicians use the word estimate.
900 would be a fair estimate
Estimate that to be 10.
Estimate is a verb.
The word 'estimate' is both a noun (estimate, estimates) and a verb (estimate, estimates, estimating, estimated).Example uses:Noun: The estimate for repairing the fender was too high.Verb: I called some contractors to estimate the cost of a new garage.
You can estimate when an exact answer is not needed.
It is an estimate that is quite safe
You could estimate is as 0.5
The estimate for 15,772 is 10,000
gse estimate
You estimate it!