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The probability is 50%.

There are four probabilities: dominant homozygous, recessive homozygous, or heterozygous.

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Q: What is the probability of 2 heterozygous individuals producing a heterozygous recessive offspring?
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What is the probability of 2 heterozygous individuals producing a homozygous recessive offspring?


From the cross AA x AA the probability of producing a homozygous dominant offspring is?

From the cross Aa x Aa, the probability of producing a homozygous dominant offspring is 1/4 or (0.25).

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because the recessive allele is still present in heterozygous individuals. these individuals have one dominant allele and so show the dominant phenotype but they are capable of producing offspring with the recessive condition

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you have a 50/50 chance of producing both a male and female offspring, it really depends on whether or not your offspring's DNA will have XY chromosomes (male) or XX chromosomes (female)

Can AA and SS give birth to AA?

No, AA and SS cannot give birth to AA offspring. In this scenario, there would be a 50% chance of producing AS offspring (heterozygous) and a 50% chance of producing SS offspring (homozygous recessive).

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What is the probability that two heterozygous parents would have an offspring that produced round seeds?

The probability is 3/4 or 75%. If both parents are heterozygous for the seed shape trait (e.g., Rr), there is a 50% chance that each parent will pass on the dominant allele (R) for round seeds to the offspring. The probability of inheriting the dominant allele from both parents and producing round seeds is therefore (1/2) x (1/2) = 1/4 or 25%. Since there are two possible ways to inherit the dominant allele (from either parent), the total probability is 2 x (1/4) = 1/2 or 50%.

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Each parent contributes 50% of the genetic make-up of the offspring.

From the cross AA X AA the probability of producing a homozygous dominat offspring is?

Here are the four possibilities: AA Aa Aa aa Therefore there is a 25% chance of producing a homozygous dominant offspring (AA).

What is the probability of a male offspring?

you have a 50/50 chance of producing both a male and female offspring, it really depends on whether or not your offspring's DNA will have XY chromosomes (male) or XX chromosomes (female)

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Champagne is a dominant dilution gene. The ideal way to insure that any foal produced is champagne would be that one parent is homozygous for Champagne. This would result in 100% champagne foals from all matings.The second best way would be for both parents to be heterozygous champagne which would have a probability of producing 75% champagne foals.The third best way is if one parent is heterozygous for champagne which would have a 50% probability of producing a champagne foal.

What does fertile mean in Reproduction?

producing or capable of producing offspring