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Q: What is the width of a little finger?
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The width of your little finger?


What is the width of a little finger at age eleven?

1 Centimeter on the dot. (Usually)

What do you call the width of the index finger?

There is no scientific name for the width of the index finger. The name index finger literally means pointing finger.

What can be 1 centimeter?

The distance between two of the larger neighbouring marks on a metric ruler. Perhaps the width of your little finger.

How long is 9 mm?

0.9 centimeters, or a little over a third of an inch (0.3543 inches). About half the width of a finger.

Is 25 millimeters is about?

About the width of a finger.

Width of index finger?

The width of an index finger depends on the size of the person. For instance, an average size person will have an index finger that is roughly one half inch wide.

The unit of length that most nearly matches the width of your finger is the?

The unit of length that most nearly matches the width of your finger is the inch.

How big is 2.2 cm?

22 cm is approximately 8 and three quarter inches.

How big is 2 cm?

about the width of your thumb twice If you are an adult, I would estimate more like the width of your little finger twice. 2 cm, or 20 mm, is approximately 4/5 of one inch.

What common items are half an inch?

A fingernail on the little finger, the width of a key on a desktop keyboard and, in cockney rhyming slang, something that has been stolen.

What is a example of 1 cm?

About half, or one third, the width of a typical finger. The thickness of a pencil or pen might be a little less than a cm.