x can represent anything. it depends on the equation. in maths you generally must find the value of x. eg: 8 + x = 15. In this case you must figure out what number added to 8 equals 15. Because the opposite to addition is subtraction, to find x you would do x = 15 - 8. Therefore x = 7. So x has no given value, it all depends on the equation. Hope that helped :)
They represent a # of X and a # of Y. These are the axis's... -Posted by Anonymous 7th Grader
It is when you subtract the largest number from the smallest number.
In statistics, letter such as; a,..x..,z, is a variable used to represent an unknown value.
The answer depends on the scale used.
The number of outcomes you would have is number of outcomes x number of times done. Or in this case, number (of outcomes on the dice) x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 because you rolled the dice 5 times
It can represent multiplication or a number that is the one which we are looking for.
any number at all
Normally, alpha is used to represent an angle. Just like "x" is used to represent an unknown number or angle, alpha, theta, beta are used to represent unkown angles.
It represents a number.
Yes, if x is a negative number.
Math...... Math...... and more Math...... You can use math to mathematically represent data such as X-Rays and Gamma Rays.
If you are talking about math then its usually " x " but if that is already use in the expression and you want to use another symbol to represent a DIFFERENT number then you can use y or a or so on.
x may not always represent a positive number because there are equations that make a variable a negative number
You cannot solve 'x' in math unless the other number has a variable as well.
An unknown number.
Periods in Math represent multiplication signs. For example: x.6y = x times 6y. Periods in Math also mean decimal points. For example: 4.5 = four point five