The median is between Q1 and Q3 and is the same as Q2. These are the same as 25%, 50% and 75% so the median is in the middle of the box in a box and whisker plot.
Min- the lowest value Q1- the median number between the actual median and the min Median- the "middle" number in the dataset Q3- the median number between the actual median and the max Max- the highest value
If the data are quantitative they must have a median. If there is no median it is only because the data are qualitative and, in that case, a box and whiskers plot is meaningless.
The box and whisker plot informs you of the 5 number summary, which comprises of the minimum and maximum, the median, and the first and third quartiles. The minumum and maximum give you the range, which is not given by measures of central tendancy. also, if it a modified box and whisker plot, outliers will be marked separatley from the rest of the plot, outliers are also not included in the measures of center.
how about you tell me what a misleading box and whisker plot is first and then ill answer ur question ;)
The lower quartile is the line that represents the left-hand edge of the "box", in the box and whisker plot.
Oh, dude, finding the mean, median, mode, and range on a box and whisker plot is like trying to make a sandwich with a hammer. The box and whisker plot already shows you the median (that's the line in the box) and the range (from whisker to whisker). The mean and mode aren't typically shown on a box plot because they're off doing their own thing, not invited to the box and whisker party.
The median is a single number. If there are an even number of observations so that there are two "middle" numbers, then the median is the arithmetic average of the two (their sum divided by 2).
the median
Min- the lowest value Q1- the median number between the actual median and the min Median- the "middle" number in the dataset Q3- the median number between the actual median and the max Max- the highest value
If the data are quantitative they must have a median. If there is no median it is only because the data are qualitative and, in that case, a box and whiskers plot is meaningless.
A Box and Whisker Plot.
A box and whisker plot mainly shows the mean (average), range, or median (middle number). The mode is the number that shows up the most. I--------l___l__l--------I That's kinda what it looks like. The two far ends represent the range.
no no sorry to say it, but it can NEVER go on the outside
Box-and-whisker plots highlight central values in a set of data. In order to construct a box-and-whisker plot, the first step is to order your data numerically and find the median value.
It is the lower quartile.
lower extreme,upper extreme,upper quartile, lower quartile, and the median