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Q: Write all the three digit numbers using the digits 4 6 and 8 without repeating any digit?
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Using all digits 1230 without repeating any digit how many four- digit numbers can you write?

18, if leading 0s are disallowed.

How many 3 digit can you write using digits 0-9 without repeating?


How many four digit numbers can you write using the digits 1 2 3 0 without repeating?

The answer is 3*3*2*1 = 18. If the leading digit is 0 it is not a 4-digit number.

How many forms can you write a decimal number?

There are essentially three forms:Terminating decimals: 386 or 23.567,Recurring decimals: 36.572343434... (with 34 repeating),Non-terminating infinite decimals: these represent irrational numbers for which the digits after the decimal point go on for ever without falling into a repeating pattern.

When writing a repeating decimal as a fraction does the number of repeating digits you use matter?

No... you can write it to any number of decimal places.

Is 0.123467239 and so fort a repeating decimal?

With the small sample provided, it doesn't look as if it is repeating. The problem, however, lies in the "and so forth"; it is not clear what rule you use to write the decimal digits, and depending on what exactly that rule is, it may, or may not, be a repeating decimal. To be "repeating", and therefore a rational number, after a while the same group of digits has to repeat over and over, without end.

How do you write a third of a million in numbers?

333,333.3333 repeating

How do you write 0.81 repeating as a fraction in simplest form?

Write the repeating digits over the same number of 9s and simplify: 0.81... has two repeating digits ⇒ the denominator has two 9s, ie 99. ⇒ 0.81... = 81/99 = 9/11

How do you write 6.9 billion in numbers?

6.9 billion as a number would be 6,900,000,000. To write it out without digits it would be six billion and nine hundred million.

How many digits do you need to write if you write all numbers from 0-1450?

You would need infinitely many digits to write all numbers. However, to write all whole number (integers) you would need 4243.

What is the difference of binary and decimal numbers?

-- The decimal system (base-10) uses 10 digits to write all numbers. -- The binary system (base-2) uses 2 digits to write all numbers.

How do you write Six and fourteen thousandths in numbers in digits?
