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As the other contributor mentioned, the standard formula for the period (T) of a simple pendulum is

T = 2*pi*sqrt(L/g)

so the period is inversely proportional to the square root of acceleration 'g'. But for practical purposes (as implied by the question) we can replace 'g' with another value, the apparent acceleration due to gravity, 'ga'. This value also takes into account the rotational speed and the distance from the center of the gravitational mass

ga = GM/r**2 - (w**2)*cos(LAT)


w = angular velocity of the earth's rotation

= 2*pi/(24*3600) [rad/s]

LAT = observer's latitude (0=equator, 90deg=pole)

G = universal gravitation constant

M, r = mass, radius of planet/satellite/star we are on

Thus, the period of a simple pendulum is inversely proportional to to the sqare root of 'ga'. And this value varies with latitude, mass and distance.

So then let's answer the questions!

a) as we increase the height from sea level, the radius increases, reducing the 'ga' and this increases the period, T

b) as we go to the pole, LAT = 90deg, and cos(LAT) goes to zero. We thus INCREASE 'ga' and decrease the period

c) at the equator, LAT = 0 and cos(LAT) = 1, so we have a minimum value for 'ga', this increases the period

d) on the moon, our rotational velocity is much less (1 rev per 27.3 days) and the M is much smaller, and the r is much smaller! We are told that the 'ga' will be about 1/6 of the Earth's value, so the period will increase.

e) Here the M is colossal, so if we could withstand the heat and gravitational forces, 'ga' is much larger, so period will decrease.

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Q: How would the period of a simple pendulum be changed if the pendulum were moved from sea level to the sun?
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How would the period of the simple pendulum be change if the pendulum is moved from the sea level to the top of the high mountain?

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What would the effect be on the period of the simple pendulum if the pendulum was moved from sea level to the top of a mountain or to the moon or to the sun?

As the force of gravity increases the period would decrease. So shortest period on the sun (if you can keep it intact), then sea level, then mountain top and then moon.

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The period is not likely to be charged. However, it would change due to the weaker gravitational force on the moon. Since the surface gravity of the moon is 0.165 that of the earth, the period would increase by a multiple of 1/sqrt(0.165) = 2.462 approx.

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The period of a pendulum can be calculated using the formula T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum (1.0 meter in this case), and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2). Plugging in the values, the period of a pendulum with a length of 1.0 meter on Earth is approximately 2.006 seconds.

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How do you measure the time of one swing of a pendulum accurately consult?

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