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The entire deck is dealt out for each hand of bridge. The maximum number of different hands that can be dealt is 52 x 51x 50 x 49 x 48 x 47 x 46 x 45 x 44 x 43 x 42 x 41 x 40. This equals

3,954,242,643,911,240,000,000 possible different deals.


three-sextillion, nine-hundred-fifty-four-quintillion, two-hundred-forty-two-quadrillion, six-hundred-forty-three-trillion,nine-hundred-eleven-billion, two-hundred-forty-million possible bridge hands. (U.S and modern British)


three-thousand-nine-hundred-fifty-four-trillion, two-hundred-forty-two-thousand-six-hundred-forty-three-billion, nine-hundred-eleven-thousand-two-hundred-forty-million possible bridge hands. (Continental Europe and/or Traditional British)

Quite a few possible hands.

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6y ago

There are 635,013,559,600 possible hands. Richard Pavlicek did the maths, here's a quote from his (fantastic) website:

"It's an enormous number, but it is easily calculated with combinatorial arithmetic. The formula for the number of combinations of N items taken R at a time is given by:



R! × (N-R)!

The notation N! (N factorial) means the product of all integers from 1 through N.

For example, 6! = 720.

First, let's use this formula to determine the number of bridge hands that can be dealt to one player. Setting N=52 and R=13, the calculation becomes:



13! × 39!

This is the number of possible bridge hands, equal to 635,013,559,600."

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13y ago

The entire deck of cards is dealt out for a game of bridge. Each player gets 13 cards.

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6y ago

There are 635,013,559,600.

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635 billion

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Q: How many different bridge hands of 13 cards can be dealt from a 52 card deck?
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How many possible hands are there in the game of bridge?

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Yes, depending on your betteing approach you can hold an edge of aprx ~0.4% upto ~1.3%+ over the casino. Goto a bookstore and buy a book on the subject, counting cards is the only sound and valid way to beat any casino game. It essentially forces the casino to deal you a game of blackjack with a dishonest deck of cards, by the player selectively engaging in play only after certain cards have been removed from play in previous hands. The methodology revolves around a cards "effect of removal" not how many of which type of cards have been dealt as it is popularly misunderstood. Cards are assigned point values and counted as they are dealt, hence the name card counting. The player then selectively plays hands or slectively increases his/her bet and plays out the hands accordingly.

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