K is the next letter of the middle row on a QWERTY Keyboard. It is 'K'; the letters are the second row of a standard QWERTY keyboard. ASDFGHJ is in a row on a QWERTY keyboard and the next letter in the row is K
Any answer would work, but the most 'obvious' answer is 111221. To see why, try reading the numbers out loud one digit at a time.
saints row 2 comes out in June.
m,./ from the bottom row of a keyboard
The numbers start with one and increase for each subsequent row.
If you consider row 0 as the row consisting of the single 1, then row 100 has 6 odd numbers.
Sort the rows; the duplicates will then be grouped together. Scan from the top row; if the next row is a duplicate of the current row, remove it. If the next row is not a duplicate, make it the current row. Repeat until there is no next row. When complete, all the duplicates will have been removed.