The total area of Japan is 377,835 sq km
(land) 144,689 sq miles (374,744 sq km)
(water) 1,194 sq miles (3,091 sq km)
(TOTAL) 145,883 sq miles (377,835 sq km)
Japan covers 377,944 km².
About 375,000 square km
Japan covers an area of 377,923.14 km2
378,000 square kilometers Source:
Japan - (145,925 sq miles) (377,944 sq km)
Japan is 145,925 sq miles (377,944 km²).
Japan - 145,925 total area, of which 144,757.6 square miles is land.
Japan has a land area just shy of 150 thousand square miles. There are approximately 130 million people in the country.
Kyushu Island in Japan has a total area of approximately 35,640 square kilometers.
Hokkaido, Japan's area is 32,222 sq miles (83,454 km²).
Belgium's area is 11,800 square miles (30,500 square kilometers).
An area of 0.00776 km square equates to 7,760 square meters.