Japan covers 377,944 km².
About 375,000 square km
Japan covers an area of 377,923.14 km2
378,000 square kilometers Source: http://www.worldwide-tax.com/japan/jappopulation.asp
Japan - (145,925 sq miles) (377,944 sq km)
Japan is 145,925 sq miles (377,944 km²).
Japan - 145,925 total area, of which 144,757.6 square miles is land.
Japan has a land area just shy of 150 thousand square miles. There are approximately 130 million people in the country.
Kyushu Island in Japan has a total area of approximately 35,640 square kilometers.
Hokkaido, Japan's area is 32,222 sq miles (83,454 km²).
Belgium's area is 11,800 square miles (30,500 square kilometers).
An area of 0.00776 km square equates to 7,760 square meters.