Look for a button marked "cos".
Note that some calculators have degrees, radians and other measurements. So check you are in the right mode.
Note: When doing trigonometry, it is highly recommeded that you have a scientific calculator at hand. Also, make sure your calculator is in Degree (D or Deg) mode and not Radian (R or Rad). To find the cosine of 70o, press 'cos', then type in 70, then press equals. You should get 0.342 (to the nearest 3 decimal places).
If you know the angle's sine, cosine, or tangent, enter it into the calculator and press <inverse> sine, cosine, or tangent. On MS Calc, in Scientific Mode, using Degrees, enter 0.5, then check Inv and the press sin. You should get 30 degrees. The other functions work similarly.
This can be done on a graphing calculator by making sure you have your calculator in degrees mode, and then tentering the cos(23). You get an answer of 0.9205048535.
Cos is short for Cosine ( Complementary Sine) Similrly Sin is short for Sine Tan is short for Tangent.
It was invented sometim but if you find out put it on here! Love Megan
You can calculate the cosine and then its reciprocal.
You mean, you have the cosine, and want the angle? That is called arc-cosine, often written as cos-1x. Your scientific calculator should have a "shift" key or something similar, which you press, followed by the cosine key. That will give you the inverse cosine or arc-cosine.
Short for cosine. Check this site out for detailed info. http://www.clarku.edu/~djoyce/trig/
It is a trigonometric function, equivalent to the sine of an angle divided by the cosine of the same angle.
so what you do is Soh Cah Toa, Cah for cosine so if you have a triangle you do the length of the adjacent divided by hypotenuse and the number you get (the rest depends on the calculator) you press 2nd or shift then cos button on your calculator. remember the calculator must be scientific the actual formula is cosine theta=a h then you write the numbers in and you should know the rest
put in cosine in your calculator and then take the cosine of the length of the adjacent length over the length of the hypotenuses length
Note: When doing trigonometry, it is highly recommeded that you have a scientific calculator at hand. Also, make sure your calculator is in Degree (D or Deg) mode and not Radian (R or Rad). To find the cosine of 70o, press 'cos', then type in 70, then press equals. You should get 0.342 (to the nearest 3 decimal places).
The same thing that cosine means in trigonometry, a calculator just allows you to calculate such functions quickly.
If you know the angle's sine, cosine, or tangent, enter it into the calculator and press <inverse> sine, cosine, or tangent. On MS Calc, in Scientific Mode, using Degrees, enter 0.5, then check Inv and the press sin. You should get 30 degrees. The other functions work similarly.
One can find free online scientific from websites like Web2, Online-Calculator, Meta-Calculator, Calculator-Tab, MathOpenRef and Alcula. One can also find scientific calculator software pre-installed in Windows.
Well, the usual way would be to use a scientific calculator - one that has support for trigonometric functions such as cosine. Make sure the calculator is set to "degrees", since I assume the "140" represents degrees. Of course you might also use the infinite series for the cosine function (which is basically what the calculator does). Convert the angle to radians, then use the infinite Tailor series: cos x = 1 - x2/2! + x4/4! - x6/6! + ...
If you have a suitable calculator, you can find it directly. It is also the same as the sine of 55 degrees, which can be looked up in many tables.