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Q: How do you use calculator to find cos degrees?
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What is a good calculator for trigonometry?

Any calculator sold as a "scientific calculator" has the basic trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan) and the inverse trigonometric functions (arc-sin, arc-cos, arc-tan). That's about all you need.You can also use the calculator that comes on your computer - for example, in Windows, press Windows-R, and then type "calc". You may have to change the calculator mode, to "scientific calculator". Yet another option is a spreadsheet, for example, Excel. Note that in Excel, angles are expressed in radians; if you want degrees, you also need the special functions to convert degrees to radians, or radians to degrees. However, if you want to do your homework while you are NOT at your computer, you are better off buying a calculator.

How do you calculate sin20?

You need to use a calculator or computer. The answer will depend on whether the angle is measured in degrees or radians.

Use a calculator to find tan 27 round to the nearest thousandth?


Why only cos theta is used in vector functions?

It's not. Cos(Θ) only gives you the x-component of a vector. In order to find its y-component, you also need to use sin(Θ).

How do you find the angle measurements of a triangle if you have all the side lengths- which SOH CAH TOA do i use?

with all the sides, you could use any, use SOH :( sin of angle = opposite / hypotonuse)assuming its a right angle triangle, then select either of the (non right angle) angles, divide the length of the side opposite this angle by the length of the hypotonuse ( longest side, opposite the right angle), then find the inverse SIN of this number on your calculator, this is the angle. Since total internal angles always = 180 degrees, and right angle = 90 degrees then final angle is calculated angle subtracted from 90 degrees.

Related questions

How do you compute the secant of 2?

secant(2) =1/cos(2) for which you can use a calculator. However, you need to know whether the angle is measured in degrees or radians.

How do you solve the equation negative 3 cos t equals 1 in the interval from 0 to 2 pi?

Isolate cos (t): cos(t)=1/3. Use a calculator from here because the answer is not an integer or a simple number.

How do you find the mean height in a math problem?

easy you can use a calculator to find that out

What is 301893 plus 7365781?

Wouldn't it have taken less effort either a.) find a calculator or b.) use an online calculator?... The answer should be 7667674 by the way.

What was the calculator used for?

A calculator is used to find mathematical equation that are very difficult. Calculators also help to make life easier with the use of technology.

How do you find log values?

You look them up in log tables, or use a scientific calculator. The calculators use a method based on the Taylor series.

What is 907 multiplied by 76?

The best way to find this answer is to use a calculator. I make it 68932 but you may want to check it.

What is the answer to 8 divided by 5222?


What tools do you use to find the volume of a regular solid?

A tape measure or ruler, A book on solid geometry, A calculator or computer.

Does solving math problems on a calculator use memory?

Yes, solving math problems on a Scientific calculator does use memory.

Where can one find a weight loss calculator?

Go for it! With proper exercise plus a balanced diet, along with a scientific weight loss calculator, stick with it and you're sure to become a better version of yourself! There are some weight loss calculator pages,copy and paste the link below to know: Sites:

What is the derivative of ln cos x?

The derivative of the natural log is 1/x, therefore the derivative is 1/cos(x). However, since the value of cos(x) is submitted within the natural log we must use the chain rule. Then, we multiply 1/cos(x) by the derivative of cos(x). We get the answer: -sin(x)/cos(x) which can be simplified into -tan(x).