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i want an example of geometric linear equations

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Q: What are the geometric problems involving linear equation?
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How do you know if an equation is not linear?

Linear equations come in the form y=mx+b or y=mx-b, where x and y are the variables x and y and b is a constant (like 3). All other equations are non-linear. Linear equations has a power of 1! as long as the X has a power of 1, it is a linear equation.

Which is the definition of an exterior angle of a triangle?

an angle that forms a linear pair with one of the interior angles of the triangle.

What are the uses of trigonometry in various fields?

Scientific fields that make use of trigonometry include: acoustics, architecture, astronomy , cartography, civil engineering, geophysics, crystallography, electrical engineering, electronics, land surveying and geodesy, many physical sciences, mechanical engineering, machining, medical imaging , number theory, oceanography, optics, pharmacology, probability theory, seismology, statistics, and visual perception. Various types of equations can be solved using trigonometry. For example, a linear difference equation or differential equation with constant coefficients has solutions expressed in terms of the eigenvalues of its characteristic equation; if some of the eigenvalues are complex, the complex terms can be replaced by trigonometric functions of real terms, showing that the dynamic variable exhibits oscillations. Similarly, cubic equations with three real solutions have an algebraic solution that is unhelpful in that it contains cube roots of complex numbers; again an alternative solution exists in terms of trigonometric functions of real terms.

How do you get a feasibility region linear programming?

A feasible region is, in a constrained optimization problem, the set of solutions satisfying all equalities and/or inequalities. On the other hand a linear programming is a constrained optimization problem in which both the objective function and the constraints are linear, therefore a feasible region on a linear programming problem is the set of solutions of the a linear problem. Many algorithms had been designed to successfully attain feasibility at the same time as resolving the problem, e.g. reaching its minimum. Perhaps one of the most famous and extensively utilized is the Simplex Method who travels from one extremal point to another, which happens to be the possible extrema given the convex nature of the problem, by maintaining a fixed number of components to zero, called basic variables. Then, the algorithm arrives to a global minimum generally in polinomial time even if its worst possible case has already been proved to be exponencial, see Klee-Minty's cube.

What is the formula for the angular velocity?

There are several, what is it that you want to calculate? The "natural" units for angular velocity are radians/second. The relationship between linear velocity and angular velocity is especially simple in this case: linear velocity (at the edge) = angular velocity x radius.

Related questions

How do you evaluate linear equations involving addition and subtraction?

You add or subtract, as required by the equation!

What is the relation between straight lines and linear equations?

The graph, in the Cartesian plane, of a linear equation is a straight line. Conversely, a straight line in a Cartesian plane can be represented algebraically as a linear equation. They are the algebraic or geometric equivalents of the same thing.

Is 4x2x a linear equation?

Difficult to tell because of problems with the browser. 4x = 2x IS a linear equation whose solution is x = 0

What is an equation of a non linear equation?

A non-linear equation is any equation which includes variables with a degree other than one. Therefore, any equation involving x2, x3, x4, .... would be non-linear. For example: y= 3x+2 is linear, because x and y are both degree 1 (no exponent) y= 2x2 is non-linear, because x is degree 2.

Heart of Algebra (33%)?

Key topics:Solving linear equations and inequalities.Systems of equations.Word problems involving algebraic expressions.

What is the geometric shape of SiO2?


What can't linear equations have in order to be a linear equation?

To be a linear equation, the equation must be set equal to Y. Also, it can't have any square roots, or any variables on the bottom of a fraction. In general, the terms of a linear equation must be either first-degree polynomials with respect to the variables, constants, or products of the two. This disallows terms involving trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, hyperbolic, and power expressions (except for the power of 1) and their inverses.

Is a linear equation the same as a function?

No a linear equation are not the same as a linear function. The linear function is written as Ax+By=C. The linear equation is f{x}=m+b.

Is y0 a linear equation?

Hard to tell because of problems with the browser. If the question is about "y = 0" the answer is YES.

What is 306g is equal too 22.5?

It appears to be a linear equation in the variable, g.It appears to be a linear equation in the variable, g.It appears to be a linear equation in the variable, g.It appears to be a linear equation in the variable, g.

How many different equation types are there?

Thanks to the contributors at Wikipedia here is the answer...Equations can be classified according to the types of operations and quantities involved. Important types include:An algebraic equation is an equation involving only algebraic expressions in the unknowns. These are further classified by degree.A linear equation is an algebraic equation of degree one.A polynomial equation is an equation in which a polynomial is set equal to another polynomial.A transcendental equation is an equation involving a transcendental function of one of its variables.A functional equation is an equation in which the unknowns are functions rather than simple quantities.A differential equation is an equation involving derivatives.An integral equation is an equation involving integrals.A Diophantine equation is an equation where the unknowns are required to be integers.A quadratic equationTo learn more click on the Wikipedia Link in the sources and references section below.

How do you figure out if an equation is a linear equation?

An equation is linear if the highest power of the unknown in the equation is 1for example an equation with just a variable to the power one such as x, y and so on is linear but one with x2, y2 and above is not linear