

How does 2sinxcosx equal 1 plus sinx?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: How does 2sinxcosx equal 1 plus sinx?
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Start by squaring both sides of the equation to get, (sinx + cosx)2 = 0.25 Simplify the left side to get sin2x + 2sinxcosx + cos2x = 0.25 Using the Pythagorean identity gets 2sinxcosx + 1 = 0.25 2sinxcosx = -0.75 Using the double angle formula gets Sin(2x) = -0.75 Take the arcsin to get 2x = sin-1(-0.75) x = sin-1(-0.75)/2 Now, a scientific calculator can be used to find the solutions.

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2sinxcosx-cosx=0 Factored : cosx(2sinx-1)=0 2 solutions: cosx=0 or sinx=.5 For cosx=0, x=90 or 270 degrees For sinx=.5, x=30 degrees x = {30, 90, 270}

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(1-cosx)/sinx + sinx/(1- cosx) = [(1 - cosx)*(1 - cosx) + sinx*sinx]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [1 - 2cosx + cos2x + sin2x]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [2 - 2cosx]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = [2*(1-cosx)]/[sinx*(1-cosx)] = 2/sinx = 2cosecx

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6*sinx = 1 + 9*sinx => 3*sinx = -1 => sinx = -1/3Let f(x) = sinx + 1/3then the solution to sinx = -1/3 is the zero of f(x)f'(x) = cosxUsing Newton-Raphson, the solutions are x = 3.4814 and 5.9480It would have been simpler to solve it using trigonometry, but the question specified an algebraic solution.

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