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Q: What is phase shift when a sine wave with the maximum amplitude at time zero?
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What is the phase shift for a sin wave with the maximum amplitude at time zero?

For a sine wave with maximum amplitude at time zero, there is no phase shift. The wave starts at its peak at time zero, and therefore, its phase angle is zero.

What will be the output of differentiator if the input is sine wave?

a phase shifted sine wave of a different amplitude.

What parameter of a sine wave carrier can be modulated?

Amplitude, Frequency and Phase

How would you explain phase shift oscilater?

A phase-shift oscillator is a linear electronic oscillator circuit that produces a sine wave output.

How do you find amplitude in trigonometry?

The amplitude of a sine (or cosine) curve is the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the curve, measured over a whole cycle.

Why you are considering sine wave as ac but not cosine wave?

Sine wave is considered as the AC signal because it starts at 0 amplitude and it captures the alternating nature of the signal. Cosine wave is just a phase shift of the sine wave and represents the same signal. So, either sine or cosine wave can be used to represent AC signals. However, sine wave is more conventionally used.

In a sine wave at what angle or angles is the amplitude increasing at its fastest rate?

The amplitude of a sine wave is increasing at its fastest rate at the maximum points (90°, 270°) and decreasing at its fastest rate at the minimum points (0°, 180°).

What happens where the phase shift between the sine wave and cosine wave is 180?

This question makes no sense as the specified condition cannot occur. The phase shift between a sine wave and a cosine wave is always 90 degrees, by definition.

What is the purpose of a phase-shift network in a Wien bridge oscillator?

A Wien bridge oscillator produces sine waves. In order for the sine waves to maintain a steady amplitude, a positive feedback system is used with some sort of control to limit gain. In order for the positive feedback system to work, the waves being "fed back" to the amplifier have to be in phase with the waves being generated. Thus, you need a phase shift network to ensure that the phases of the waves match, which in the case of a positive feedback system means that the generated waves need to go through a 360o phase shift during the feedback process.

What is the connection between trigonometry ratios and sound waves?

Sound waves are transmitted through a medium as variations in the pressure of the medium. If the variation is plotted as a function of distance (or time), they will generate a sine curve (the cosine curve is the same as a sine curve with a phase shift). In practise, the sine curve is damped: the amplitude (or height) of the oscillations gradually decrease over time or distance, because of attenuation.

At what phase angle is the voltage momentarily constant in a sine wave?

We often see the peak and trough (maximum positive and maximum negative excursions) of the sine wave considered as points of momentarily constant voltage. Those points are at phase angles of 90 degrees and at 270 degrees.

What is the relationship between the amplitude and frequency of a sine wave?

The amplitude of a sine wave represents the maximum displacement of the wave from its central position, while the frequency represents the number of complete cycles of the wave that occur in one second. The amplitude and frequency are independent of each other; changing one does not inherently affect the other.