comes from three Greek words; "tria"-three, "gonia"-angle, "metron"-measurement
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"Trigonometry" comes from the Greek words trigonon and metron, and roughly translates to "the measurement of angles".
Hipparchus, who was a Greek astronomer
because the greek started trig 2000 years ago to work out where they were using the stars
The word trigonometry comes from two Greek words, trigonon, meaning triangle, and metria, meaning measurement. This is the branch of mathematics that deals with the ratios between the sides of right triangles with reference to either of its acute angles and enables you to use this information to find unknown sides or angles of any triangle. Trigonometry is not just an intellectual exercise, but has uses in the fields of engineering, surveying, navigation, archicecture, and even rocket science.
It is a number - in trigonometry or elsewhere.
"Trigonometry" comes from the Greek words trigonon and metron, and roughly translates to "the measurement of angles".
The word trigonometry originates from the two Greek words 'trigon' and 'metron'. While 'trigon' has the meaning of triangle, 'metron' means to measure. The literal translation of the word trigonometry is to measure triangles.
Hipparchus, who was a Greek astronomer
The Greek letter theta
'Trigonometry' comes from Greek: 'trigonon' = 'triangle' and 'metron' = 'measure'. So, basically, the measurement of triangles.
Measurements of a trigon (or triangle).
Joseph Greenhowe
It was Pythagoras
Some words that rhyme with trigonometry are: geometry optometry montgomery baffoonery mockery
Hipparchus is the father of trigonometry and he was a Greek astronomer who lived between 190-120 B.C. He is considered as the father of trigonometry, a branch of mathematics which studies the angles of sides of triangles. :)
well, nothing is for sure but it is said that Hipparchus, a Greek geographer. its kind of odd though. but they say that they have evidence of his systematic use of trigonometry. Also Menelaus and Ptolomy helped in the development of trigonometry.