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For ease of writing, every time I say lim I mean the limit of _____ as x approaches zero. Lim sin3xsin5x/x^2=lim{[3sin(3x)/(3x)][5sin(5x)/(5x)]}. One property of limits is that lim sin(something)/(that same something)=1. So we now have lim{[3(1)][5(1)]}=15. lim=15

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Q: What is the limit of sin3x times sin5x divided by x squared as x approaches 0?
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Use l'Hospital's rule: If a fraction becomes 0/0 at the limit (which this one does), then the limit of the fraction is equal to the limit of (derivative of the numerator) / (derivative of the denominator) . In this case, that new fraction is sin(3x)/cos(3x) . That's just tan(3x), which goes quietly and nicely to zero as x ---> 0 . Can't say why l'Hospital's rule stuck with me all these years. But when it works, like on this one, you can't beat it.

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To start, try breaking down sin3x using a double angle formula. Message me if you need more help!

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= cos(x)-(cos3(x))/3 * * * * * Right numbers, wrong sign! Int(sin3x)dx = Int(sin2x*sinx)dx = Int[(1-cos2x)*sinx]dx = Int(sinx)dx + Int[-cos2x*sinx]dx Int(sinx)dx = -cosx . . . . . (I) Int[-cos2x*sinx]dx Let u = cosx, the du = -sinxdx so Int(u2)du = u3/3 = 1/3*cos3x . . . . (II) So Int(sin3x)dx = 1/3*cos3x - cosx + C Alternatively, using the multiple angle identities, you can show that sin3x = 1/4*[3sinx - sin3x] which gives Int(sin3x)dx = 1/4*{1/3*cos(3x) - 3cosx} + C

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If sin3x equals 966 then what does x equal?

This has no solution. The sine of any number is always between 1 and -1.

Solve 2sinx-sin3x equals 0?

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