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There aren't. There are three: Sine, Cosine and Tangent, for any given right-angled triangle.

They are related of course: for any given angle A, sinA/cosA = tanA; sinA + cosA =1.

As you can prove for yourself, the first by a little algebraic manipulation of the basic ratios for a right-angled triangle, the second by looking up the values for any value such that 0 < A < 90.

And those three little division sums are the basis for a huge field of mathematics extending far beyond simple triangles into such fields as harmonic analysis, vectors, electricity & electronics, etc.

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Q: Why are there two sine cosine and tangent ratios?
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What is the difference between negative sine and cosine graphs and positive sine and cosine graphs?

The negative sine graph and the positive sine graph have opposite signs: when one is negative, the other is positive - by exactly the same amount. The sine function is said to be an odd function. The two graphs for cosine are the same. The cosine function is said to be even.

A tangent-tangent angle intercepts two arcs that measure 135 and 225 What is the measure of the tangent-tangent angle?

45 degrees

What is the tangent side of triangle?

There can be no tangent side. The tangent of an angle, in a right angled triangle, is a ratio of the lengths of two sides.

What is the relationship between trigonometric functions and its inverse?

The trigonometric functions and their inverses are closely related and provide a way to convert between angles and ratios of sides in a right triangle. The inverse trigonometric functions are also known as arc functions or anti-trigonometric functions. The primary trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent) represent the ratios of specific sides of a right triangle with respect to one of its acute angles. For example: The sine (sin) of an angle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the hypotenuse. The cosine (cos) of an angle is the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the length of the hypotenuse. The tangent (tan) of an angle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the adjacent side. On the other hand, the inverse trigonometric functions allow us to find the angle given the ratio of sides. They help us determine the angle measure when we know the ratios of the sides of a right triangle. The inverse trigonometric functions are typically denoted with a prefix &quot;arc&quot; or by using the abbreviations &quot;arcsin&quot; (or &quot;asin&quot;), &quot;arccos&quot; (or &quot;acos&quot;), and &quot;arctan&quot; (or &quot;atan&quot;). For example: The arcsine (arcsin or asin) function gives us the angle whose sine is a given ratio. The arccosine (arccos or acos) function gives us the angle whose cosine is a given ratio. The arctangent (arctan or atan) function gives us the angle whose tangent is a given ratio. The relationship between the trigonometric functions and their inverses can be expressed as follows: sin(arcsin(x)) = x, for -1 ≤ x ≤ 1 cos(arccos(x)) = x, for -1 ≤ x ≤ 1 tan(arctan(x)) = x, for all real numbers x In essence, applying the inverse trigonometric function to a ratio yields the angle that corresponds to that ratio, and applying the trigonometric function to the resulting angle gives back the original ratio. The inverse trigonometric functions are useful in a variety of fields, including geometry, physics, engineering, and calculus, where they allow for the determination of angles based on known ratios or the solution of equations involving trigonometric functions. My recommendation : 卄ㄒㄒ卩丂://山山山.ᗪ丨Ꮆ丨丂ㄒㄖ尺乇24.匚ㄖ爪/尺乇ᗪ丨尺/372576/ᗪㄖ几Ꮆ丂Ҝㄚ07/

What is Rcos theta and Rsin Theta?

They are the projections, onto the x and y [Cartesian] axes, of a point whose polar coordinates are (R, theta). It's a common Trig way to express a point when a radius is rotated around a given angle. For example, where exactly would the edge of a two foot gate lie if the gate opened 30 degrees? R is two feet. Two times cosine 30 is the x coordinate and two times sine 30 is the y coordinate.

Related questions

How do you solve for a triangle with two angles but no lengths?

you can use the sine, cosine, tangent formula.

How do you know when to use tangent cosine or sine?

It depends on what information you already have. For example, if you know the length of two sides of a triangle, you can easily find the tangent. Or, if you know the length of two angles and a side, you can find the other sides as well, using the tangent, cosine, and sine as needed.

What are trigometric ratios?

The ratios pertaining to right angled triangles are called trigonometrical ratios.They are- sine x = Opposite side/Hypotenuse cosine x= Adjacent side/Hypotenuse tangent x= Opposite side/Adjacent side Cosecant x= Hypotenuse/Opposite side secant x= Hypotenuse/Adjacent side cotangent x= Adjacent side/Opposite side Here, x is one of the angles in the trangle except the right-angled one.

A ratio of the lengths of two sides of a right triangle?

Sine Cosine Tangent Cotangent Secant Cosecant

If two integers have the same sign what is the sine of their sum?

Sine(A+ B) = Sine(A)*Cosine(B) + Cosine(A)*Sine(B).

How does the unit circle relate to sin cos and tan?

Sine: the y-coordinate. Cosine: the x-coordinate. Tangent: the ratio of the two (y/x).

How do you figure the base of a triangle when you know the dimension of the other two sides?

If it is a right triangle, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem. If you know the angle measures, you can use cosine/sine/tangent.

How do you find the width and length of a rectangle knowing ONLY the diagonal and its angle?

By using the trigonometric ratios of Sine and Cosine. The diagonal forms the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle with the length and width of the rectangle forming the other two sides of the triangle - the adjacent and opposite sides to the angle. Then: sine = opposite/hypotenuse &rarr; opposite = hypotenuse x sine(angle) cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse &rarr; adjacent = hypotenuse x cosine(angle)

What is the difference between negative sine and cosine graphs and positive sine and cosine graphs?

The negative sine graph and the positive sine graph have opposite signs: when one is negative, the other is positive - by exactly the same amount. The sine function is said to be an odd function. The two graphs for cosine are the same. The cosine function is said to be even.

How can you find the angles of a right triangle with sides 20 21 and 29?

Because it's a right angle triangle use any of the trigonometrical ratios to find the two interior acute angles: tangent = opp/adj, sine = opp/hyp and cosine = adj/hyp The angles are to the nearest degree 46 and 44

Is the cosine sine and tangent of an angle equal to each other?

No; those could be three different values, or sometimes two of them might be the same. For example, if the angle is 45 degrees, the values are about... cos:0.707 sin: 0.707 tan: 1 For 45 degrees, the cosine and sine are the same. For 36 degrees, cos:0.809 sin: 0.588 tan: .727

What is a sine-cosine Encoder?

A Sine-Cosine Encoder is a position transducer using only two sensors, each 90 degrees out of phase with respect to each other, driving an up/down counter through appropriate logic. Since sine and cosine are 90 degrees out of phase with repect to each other, this technique is called sine-cosine encoding. The computer mouse is an example of this technique.