he find that the water was risen where he stared to put the person in.
Archimedes discovered volume displacement when he was in the bath tub because the weight of an object makes the water rise.But the volume of the water was constant.He then ran outside on the streets screaming,EUREKA!...naked
He filled a bath half way with water then when he went in he found out that the water moved up, he wondered how that happened. So he started to study further into it....
It was the 'eureka' moment. Apparently - he was running a bath, and the water filled it right to the top. He got in without thinking, and noticed the water spilling over the edge. Getting out - he calculated that the amount of water lost was the same as his own volume.
He discovered that you have to find the volume, mass, and density of something
How? With his brain! That's how he answered it
Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy, which states that a body immersed in a fluid is pushed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. This principle is often summarized by the saying "Eureka!" which Archimedes reportedly exclaimed when he made this discovery while taking a bath.
He discovered the method to calculate the volume of a irregular object (rock).
Archimedes took a bowl full of water of known volume and then dipped the irregular shape body. Amount of water fall down is measured and is the volume of that body.