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in a normal distribution, the mean plus or minus one standard deviation covers 68.2% of the data. If you use two standard deviations, then you will cover approx. 95.5%, and three will earn you 99.7% coverage

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Q: The mean plus or minus the standard deviation for a normal distribution provides a probability range of what percent?
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What is Normal of probability distribution?

with mean and standard deviation . Once standardized, , the test statistic follows Standard Normal Probability Distribution.

What is Normal of Standard Normal Probability Distribution?

with mean of and standard deviation of 1.

Why is the standard normal probability distribution unique?

a mean of 1 and any standard deviation

How do you calculate probability given mean and standard deviation?

The mean and standard deviation do not, by themselves, provide enough information to calculate probability. You also need to know the distribution of the variable in question.

Suppose z has a standard normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. the probability that z is less than 1.15 is?

probability is 43.3%

What is the standard deviation of a standard normal distribution?

The standard deviation in a standard normal distribution is 1.

In the standard normal distribution the standard deviation is always what?

The standard deviation in a standard normal distribution is 1.

What is the relationship between standard deviation and accuracy?

It depends what you're asking. The question is extremely unclear. Accuracy of what exactly? Even in the realm of statistics an entire book could be written to address such an ambiguous question (to answer a myriad of possible questions). If you simply are asking what the relationship between the probability that something will occur given the know distribution of outcomes (such as a normal distribution), the mean of that that distribution, and the the standard deviation, then the standard deviation as a represents the spread of the curve of probability. This means that if you had a cure where 0 was the mean, and 3 was the standard deviation, the likelihood of observing a value of 12 (or -12) would be likely inaccurate if that was your prediction. However, if you had a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 100, the likelihood of observing of a 12 (or -12) would be quite likely. This is simply because the standard deviation provides a simple representation of the horizontal spread of probability on the x-axis.

What is true of a standard normal probability distribution aA mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 b A mean of 1 and any standard deviation of 1 c Any mean and a standard deviatio?

a is true.

How much is 84 percentile equals mean plus 1 standard deviation or mean plus 1.4 standard deviation. Can you give me reference also please?

The cumulative probability up to the mean plus 1 standard deviation for a Normal distribution - not any distribution - is 84%. The reference is any table (or on-line version) of z-scores for the standard normal distribution.

Is probability density function and gaussian distribution function are same?

yes, h=1/sigma(standard deviation)