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Archimedes elucidated the concept of density. Both crowns weighed the same. Other methods at the time to determine the purity of the gold were destructive (ie melting point comparison). When he bathed he saw that his body displaced the water and it occurred to him that the volume of displaced water was equal to the volume of himself submerged. He weighed both crowns as well as a piece of gold of similar weight. He then submerged each crown and measured the displaced water. The crown that had displaced the same amount of water as the gold piece was made of pure gold, rather than a fake.

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14y ago
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15y ago

he put the crown into water and then a gold ring and compared them

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6y ago

The "claw" and "burning mirrors".

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Q: What did Archimedes create to defend Syracuse?
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What did Archimedes invent to defend Syracuse?

Archimedes had several inventions to defend Syracuse, including walls that could shoot arrows. The most famous of these inventions was the Archimedes Claw; a device to lift attacking Roman warships out of the water. No one today has been able to figure out how this device worked.

What is the full name of scientist Archimedes?

He has no first name for some reason. He is only known as Archimedes or otherwise Archimedes of Syracuse!He has no first name for some reason. He is only known as Archimedes or otherwise Archimedes of Syracuse!

Where was Archimedes born?

In Syracuse in Sicily In Syracuse in Sicily he was born in Syracuse, Sicily

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Is Archimedes Archimedes' real name?

He is only known as Archimedes of Syracuse ( now Sicily).

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He was Sicilian (from Syracuse).

When and where did Archimedes work?

Syracuse, Italy.

Where was Archimedes hometown?

The hometown of Archimedes was Syracuse Sicily. This was back when Sicily was a Greek colony. Archimedes was born in 287 BC and is one of the most famous mathematicians in history.

Where did Archimedes live?

Archimedes lived in Syracuse, (Sara-cuse) Silica, Italy

Is Archimedes from Greece?

Archimedes was born and lived in Syracuse in what is now Sicily. Syracuse then was a Greek colony and so he would have been considered Greek.

What was inscribed on Archimedes of Syracuse tomb?
