When describing the power of the lever, he is reported to have said, "Give me a place firm enough to stand, and I could move the Earth." Perhaps an even more famous quote is attributed to him: "Eureka!" (I have found it!) Allegedly, he exclaimed the word of discovery while bathing, when it suddenly dawned upon him that the volume of an irregularly shaped object could be determined by measuring the amount of water it displaced when submerged.
"Eureka!" ~Archimedes
He was in the changing room of the local Athenian baths at the time and was referring to the atrocious smell of a fellow bather. So disgusted was he, that he slurred his accusation into one word and fled the bath house, running down the streets of Athens in the nude. Thus, he coined the term that today we use to express a sudden epiphany, namely that the present company smells like the dimmest part of a rat's a**hole.
"Eureka!" (I have found it!) - his shout after discovering of so called Archimedes' Principle.
Eureka! I have found it! This is redundant; eureka meansI have found it. But this is how the quote is often given.
The famous scientist of the Hellenistic era was Archimedes.
Eureeka !
it Archimedes bro!
he was famous for geometery,ratio and shapes