

How was geometry developed?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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it is developed because during early people exist their lives they always use geometry

in everydays. as the people learn to use it they began doing experiments about these mathematics concern.

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Who developed geometry?

In my World History book it says, EUCLID.

Give a brief history of euclidean geometry?

Euclid developed Euclidean geometry around 300 BC. I cannot get much briefer than that.

Who develelop geometry?

I believe that Euclid was referred to as the 'Great Geometer'. What he did was gather and organize into several books all known geometry at his time. So if your definition of 'develop' is to gather information and organize it, then he developed geometry.

How did Archimedes contribute in the advacements of geometry?

Type your answer here... he developed the theory of great mathimatics