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Johannes Kepler

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Q: Who developed theories related to geometry?
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Who was responsible for developing theories related to geometry?

Johannes Kepler

Identify the individual who was responsible for developing theories related to geometry?

Johannes Kepler

Who was responsible for developing theories related to geometry during the Scientific Revolution?

Descartes was responsible for developing theories related to geometry during the Scientific Revolution. He had taken the most crucial steps in the development of mathematics by using formulas for physical representations during this time.

What are the theories in mathematics?


Who developed analytical geometry?

René Descartes developed analytic geometry

Greek mathematician known for his theories in geometry?

You're probably referring to Euclid, whose theories on geometry are still used today, hence "Euclidean Geometry". If it's not Euclid , Pythagoras was also quite well-known for maths, geometry and the like. You're probably referring to Euclid, whose theories on geometry are still used today, hence "Euclidean Geometry". If it's not Euclid , Pythagoras was also quite well-known for maths, geometry and the like.

What kinds of discoveries did Hellenistic scholars make?

They developed several kinds of mathematics, Astronomy, and geometry

What are 2 ways the Greeks contributed to mathematics?

Theories, Geometry

Are eyes related to geometry?

Answer: No eyes are not related to geometry because eyes are a part of the body and geometry is a part of math

Who developed basic geometry?


How did geometry develop over time?

Ancient peoples in the Mediterranean region, particularly Greece and Egypt, are thought to have developed early forms of geometry to establish land boundaries, etc., several thousand years ago. Their basic knowledge of geometry eventually developed into the mathematics needed to design and erect huge structures like the Egyptian pyramids and the great buildings of ancient Greece. Many different geometric theories were developed over the centuries, often without adequate proofs. A Greek mathematician named Euclid collected all the proven mathematic theories of his time and collated them in a 13 volume treatise called Elements. Elements is still used, more than 2 millennium later, as the basis of modern geometry in today's elementary schools.

What are the similarities in non euclidean and euclidean geometry?

both the geometry are not related to the modern geometry