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If it asks for the opposites, then add a negative.

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Q: 2 and -2 are square roots of 4Then why -2 is not used in graph of square root function?
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here is the graph

Can the graph of a rational function have more than one vertical asymptote?

Assume the rational function is in its simplest form (if not, simplify it). If the denominator is a quadratic or of a higher power then it can have more than one roots and each one of these roots will result in a vertical asymptote. So, the graph of a rational function will have as many vertical asymptotes as there are distinct roots in its denominator.

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When the graph of a quadratic crosses the x-axis twice it means that the quadratic has two real roots. If the graph touches the x-axis at one point the quadratic has 1 repeated root. If the graph does not touch nor cross the x-axis, then the quadratic has no real roots, but it does have 2 complex roots.

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Once and the roots are said to be equal.

How do you do a parabola?

A parabola is a graph of a 2nd degree polynomial function. Two graph a parabola, you must factor the polynomial equation and solve for the roots and the vertex. If factoring doesn't work, use the quadratic equation.

What is the nonnegative square root?

Every positive real number has two square roots: one negative and one positive. As a result, the square root mapping is one-to-many and so is not a mathematical function. One way to make it a function is to restrict the range to non-negative real numbers. These are the non-negative square roots.

What are cubic functions?

A cubic function is a polynomial function of degree 3. So the graph of a cube function may have a maximum of 3 roots. i.e., it may intersect the x-axis at a maximum of 3 points. Since complex roots always occur in pairs, a cubic function always has either 1 or 3 real zeros.

What is the square root of 11449?

The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07

What happens to the graph when your B term gets bigger in quadratic function?

Assuming that the B term is the linear term, then as B increases, the graph with a positive coefficient for the squared term shifts down and to the left. This means that a graph with no real roots acquires real roots and then the smaller root approaches -B while the larger root approaches 0 so that the distance between the roots also approaches B. The minimum value decreases.

Give an example of a relation that is NOT a function and explain why it is not a function?

y² = x --> y = ±√x Because there are *two* square roots for any positive number (positive and negative) this will not be a function.

How many points does the graph of the function below intersect the x-axis y25x2-10x 1?

Just the once because it has equal roots of 1/5

What is the square root of 2 square inches?

square inches do not have square roots only number have square roots.