

2 different numbers have a sum of 1000?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: 2 different numbers have a sum of 1000?
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To find the sum of a set of numbers, you can use this formula: ∑ = (x)(x+1)/2 That is..... The sum = (The number of samples)(The number of samples + 1)/2 Example: What is the sum of all numbers between 500 and 1000? Assuming that we do not include 500 or 1000 in our answer, we have 498 numbers to add up. Let's put that into the formula.... ∑ = (498)(498+1)/2 ∑ = (498)(499)/2 ∑ = (248,502)/2 ∑ = 124,251 The Answer is 124,251

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The first odd number is 1 The 1000th odd number is 1000 x 2 - 1 = 1999 Sum = number_of_numbers x (first_number + last_number) ÷ 2 = 1000 x (1 + 1999) ÷ 2 = 1000 x 2000 ÷ 2 = 1000000

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There's no such thing as 'base 1'. The smallest possible base for writing numbers is 2.If your '1000' and '1000' are already in base 2, then their sum is '10000'.If they're the common decimal numbers "one thousand" and you want the sum "two thousand"written in base 2, then it's '11111010000'.

How do you find the arithmetic mean of the first one thousand positive odd numbers?

The sum of all odd numbers, up to the odd number (2n-1) is n^2. So the sum of the first 1000 or 10^3 odd positive numbers is (10^3)^2=10^6 Now divide by 10^3 or 1000 since we have 1000 numbers so we have 10^6/10^3=1000 The mean of the first 1000 positive odd numbers is 1000 If you ask the mean of the odd numbers between, 1 and 1000, that is another problem, since there are 500 of them, the answer would be 500^2/500=500 Think of the mean of the odd numbers between 1 and 10, there are 5 of them and there sum is 25 so the mean is 25/5 or 5 **** in general, the arithmetic mean of the first n odd numbers is n^2/n or n. So that is why the number is 1000.