No, parallel lines are defined as always being the same distance away from each other, or having the same slope.
No. If the lines are parallel they will never meet or intersect at any point. If the lines are perpendicular they do intersect, but perpendicular lines are a special case of intersecting lines. Perpendicular lines are exactly 90 degrees from each other. Intersecting lines do not haveto be perpendicular... but perpendicular lines are always intersecting.
No, they can't be, if they intersect. This is because any two lines parallel to the same line are also parallel. And since they intersect, they aren't parallel.
you call intersecting lines that meet, just intersecting lines yolanda
Yes and it also has intersecting lines
these are intersecting lines.
parellel lines
Yes, squares do have intersecting lines. Infact they have 2 diagnol intersecting lines.
are intersecting lines never parallel YES intersecting lines do not have the ability to be parallel
Intersecting lines are two lines that cross in a coordinate plane. So, yes, intersecting lines cross.
intersecting lines are lines that block each other.
Intersecting lines perform intersections.