a rectangle
triangle and rectangle
Other than the diagonal side of the right triangle, the other two sides make a perpendicular right angle triangle. The right angle is 90 degrees
The term "rectangle method" is used in different ways in math, but I will guess that your question is related to finding areas on a Geoboard. A Geoboard has a grid of pegs; you can make outlines of figures by stretching elastic bands around the pegs. If your figure is a triangle, you can find it's area by making the smallest rectangle which will enclose the triangle (The rectangle should have vertical and horizontal sides). The area of the rectangle can be found easily by multiplying the length by the width. The area of the triangle is half of the area of the rectangle.
If you know the lengths of the four sides that make up the rectangle (I assume this question is referring to a rectangular object) you can use the pythagorean theorem (a^2 + b^2 = c^2) to solve for the length of the diagonal which is represented in the formula by the letter c.
If the 2 triangles are right triangles, which are congruent to slicing the rectangle on the diagonal, then arrange one on top of the rectangle, and the other to the side, so that the two hypotenuses are in line with each other. This will make a bigger right triangle, which is similar to the smaller right triangles - each side is double of the smaller triangles.
Picture a square. now make a line connecting the two diagonal points. If bh is the volume of the rectangle, then we only have half a rectangle for each right triangle giving 1/2 *bh or bh/2. For any other traingle put the base parallel to the ground. Make a perpendicular line to the ground then you have two parts of a triangle divided at a vertex. Each of the these parts has a right angle. Make a second triangle of the same size and if you turn it into the two triangle fromt he first triangle and cut it apart, you can manipulate it to make a rectangle. The two triangles are a rectangle which is bh. divide by two to get one triangle so 1/2*bh or bh/2
A right angle triangle
You CAN'T calculate the perimeter of a rectangle, knowing only its diagonal. You do need some additional information about the rectangle - such as its width, or its length, or perhaps the length/width ratio.
It will be right angle triangle
a rectangle
Put the two bases of the triangle together. To form a square. Place the squares side by side to form a rectangle
triangle and rectangle
Rectangular prisam IM 12
That doesn't even make any sense !
it could make an arrow