you can change the fraction into a decimal or vice-versa
Divide the denominator into the numerator.
101% = 101/100 or 1.01
Hit MATH and then 1 to change from decimal to fraction or 2 to change from fraction to decimal
0.1250 as a fraction is 1/8
if it is a grid out of 100, which it usually is, change the decimals to a fraction ex: 1.4=140/100.
it is important for us to learn to a decimal as a fraction because if you don't understand the way you write it in decimals you can change it into a fraction to understand it properly
divide the numerator (top number of the fraction) by the denominator (bottom number of the fraction)
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 5/100 is equal to 0.05.
If the denominators are the same then it will have a bigger numerator or change them into decimals and then compare them.
Change the decimal into a fraction or the easier way is to turn the fration into a decimal, then multiply.
101 percent in fraction form = 101/100