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Q: Factor the trinomial x2-18x plus 81?
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(3X + 9) (X + 9)

X2 plus 18x plus 81 is this a trinomial?


What are the factor of this perfect square trinomial p2-18p plus 81?

(p - 9)(p - 9)

Is this trinomial a trinomial square x2-18x plus 81?

x2-18x+81 = (x-9)(x-9) when factored

What is the factorization of this trinomial 3x2 plus 36x plus 81?

3x2 + 36x + 81 = 3(x2 + 13x + 27)

What is the factorization of this trinomial 4p2 plus 164p plus 81?

The answer to the question is: (2p+1)(2p+81) for Equation 4p^2+164p+81 P.S ^ is exponent

What value of c makes 4x2-36x plus c a perfect square trinomial?


81x2 - 72x plus 16 is a perfect square trinomial true or false?

If a trinomial is a perfect square, then the discriminant will equal 0. The discriminant is equal to B^2-4AC. The variables come from the standard form of a quadratic which is Ax^2+Bx+C In this problem, A=81, B=-72, and C=16 so the discriminant is: (-72)^2-4(81)(16)=5,184-5,184=0 so this is a perfect square trinomial. To factor, notice that 81=9^2 and 16=4^2, so 81x^2=(9x)^2. We can then factor the trinomial into (9x+4)(9x-4)

What is the factor trinomial of y2 -9y 81?

That doesn't factor neatly. Applying the quadratic equation, we find two imaginary solutions: (9 plus or minus 9i times the square root of 3) divided by 2y = 4.5 + 7.794228634059948iy = 4.5 - 7.794228634059948iwhere i is the square root of negative one.

Factor 9x squared - 6xy plus y squared - 81?

Type your answer here... 81

Factor m2 plus 18m plus 81?

(m + 9)(m + 9)

Factor 4x2 plus 81 -36x?

4x2-36x+81 (2x-9)(2x-9)