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Q: How to find the difference in the values of underline digits in decimals numbers?
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How are decimals different from whole numbers?

Decimals include a fractional part, represented by digits to the right of the decimal point, while whole numbers only have a whole part, represented by digits to the left of the decimal point. Whole numbers can be positive or negative, while decimals can also be fractions or mixed numbers. Additionally, whole numbers are used to count while decimals are used for measurement and precision.

What word means when numbers with digits in the tenths place and beyond?


What kind of numbers are decimals with a repeating pattern of digits?

either irrational numbers, integers, integers, rational numbers, or whole numbers

How many 4 digit numbers can are there with distinct digits?

4,536 whole numbers or mixed numbers. 5,040 pure decimals.

Positive or negative decimals that are nonterminating and nonrepeating or have a pattern in their digits but do not repeat exactly are?

Irrational numbers.

Why is 3.14 rational but π is not?

3.14 has a finite number of digits. All numbers with a finite number of digits are rational. Pi has an infinite number of digits, AND the digits don't repeat in a regular pattern. (Numbers with repeating decimals are rational as well.)

What is the difference between adding whole numbers and adding decimals?

The main difference is that with whole numbers the decimal point is "hiding" (after the last digit of each whole number) whereas with decimal numbers it is clearly visible. In both cases the numbers are added with the decimal points aligned - with whole numbers there are no digits after the decimal points so the decimal points are not written, but if they were they would be visible after the last digit of the whole numbers and they would be automatically aligned; with decimal numbers there may be a different number of digits after each decimal point so it is up to the person doing the arithmetic to ensure the decimal points are aligned.

What are terminating decimals?

They are decimal representations of numbers which stop after a finite number of digits (or continue with an infinite string of 0s).

Can consecutive numbers be in decimals?

Yes, but only if there are no digits after the decimal point. For example, 18, 19, 20, 21 are consecutive numbers in the decimal system.

When multiplying decimals count the decimals digits in each?


How do you divide single digits with 3 digits?

by using decimals

How do you know where to put the decimal when multiplying decimals?

If two decimal numbers have x and y digits after the decimal point respectively, then their product has (x + y) digits after the decimal point.