If you mean how to you use the word neither in math, then here is an example. The number 0 is neither prime nor composite.
Neither, then nor; eg neither Jack nor John can ski.
We use neither nor when we have to say two things that have not happened. Like neither me nor my friend was allowed to take the ride.
No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.No, and neither did the rich Romans. The Romans did not use butter, they used oil in its place.
you use neither when none of them are correct and you use either when both can be correct. :) 2nd Answer: "Either" goes with "or", as in, "Either you or I will go". That means one or the other. "Neither" goes with "nor", as in, "Neither you nor I will go". That means that nobody will go.
I don't like sushi, neither does my friend.
"or" and "either" go together, as in, "Either you go or I will". "nor" and "neither" go together, as in, "Neither you nor I will".
neither pH
no a cook use neither
Neither of the black boxes were recovered after the plane crash. Neither he nor his brother had ever been out of the country before.
A Coffin
Neither Mike nor John wanted to clean up after their roommate Chris.
Neither the mom nor the daughter wanted to drive down to Arizona for softball Nationals.