We use neither nor when we have to say two things that have not happened. Like neither me nor my friend was allowed to take the ride.
Neither, then nor; eg neither Jack nor John can ski.
Yes. Nor means "and not" as well as "or not." I do not smoke. Nor do I drink.
It is 1 that is neither a prime or a composite number The number 1 is neither prime nor composite.
It does not always have to be followed by nor. You boys are lucky. Neither of you is seriously hurt. (Neither is singular). You could also say Neither one of you is seriously hurt.
The answer to this riddle is a coffin. A coffin is made for a deceased person, who no longer has any need for it. The person who buys the coffin (typically for the deceased) has no use for it themselves. Once someone is buried in the coffin, they can neither see nor feel it.
Neither, then nor; eg neither Jack nor John can ski.
"or" and "either" go together, as in, "Either you go or I will". "nor" and "neither" go together, as in, "Neither you nor I will".
Neither Mike nor John wanted to clean up after their roommate Chris.
I don't like apples nor bananas is incorrect grammar. you could use or in that situation or say "I like neither apples nor bananas"
Yes. Nor means "and not" as well as "or not." I do not smoke. Nor do I drink.
u use it when u tlk to ppl !!!!! When neither alternates fit. Neither/nor are basic conjugates to either/or. So, one can say, I like neither this, nor that. It'd be incorrect to say, I like neither this, or that. As the latter is in the affirmitive. Nor, cannot be used without an already rejected option.
you use neither when none of them are correct and you use either when both can be correct. :) 2nd Answer: "Either" goes with "or", as in, "Either you or I will go". That means one or the other. "Neither" goes with "nor", as in, "Neither you nor I will go". That means that nobody will go.
If you mean how to you use the word neither in math, then here is an example. The number 0 is neither prime nor composite.
You can use "nor" to join two negative alternatives in a sentence. For example: "I neither eat meat nor fish." In this sentence, "nor" is used to show that the speaker does not eat either meat or fish.
Neither the mom nor the daughter wanted to drive down to Arizona for softball Nationals.
"Nor" typically pairs with "neither" to form a correlative conjunction. For example, "She wanted neither the red dress nor the blue dress."
If you use a variable, or variables, with an equation, or with an inequality, it is neither true nor false until you replace the variables with specific values.