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Square root of 2 multiplied by the side of the square... by appying hypotaneos principle...

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Q: How long are the diagonal of a square?
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How long is the diagonal of a 10ft by 10ft square?

The diagonal is 14.142 feet.

How long is the diagonal of a square if the side is 24?

The diagonal is 33.941 units.

How long is the diagonal of a square if each side is 12 inches long?

The diagonal is about 16.97 inches long.

The area of a square garden is 50m how long is the diagonal?

The garden's diagonal is 10 meters.

The area of a square garden is 200m2 how long is the diagonal?

The diagonal of the garden is 20 meters.

How do you find out the length of a diagonal in a square?

Use Pythagoras. The diagonal, and two sides of the square form a right angled triangle. So if each side of the square is x cm long, the diagonal is x*sqrt(2) cm long.

A square has a diagonal which is 30 inches how long in inches is its side?

A square with a 30-inch diagonal measurement has sides of 21.21 inches in length.

How long is the diagonal of a 20 x 20 square?

Use Pythagoras: Diagonal² = √(2 × sidelength²) → diagonal = side_length × √2 → diagonal = 20 × √2 ≈ 28.3 units

How do you calculate the diagonal of a rectangle?

If you take the square of the long side and add it to the square of the short side, you get the diagonal (hypotenuse) squared. Then just find square root of that. For example, if short side is 3cm and long side is 4cm: 9 + 16 = 25, so the diagonal would be the square root of 25 ie. 5.

Is a diagonal of a square perpendicular to its side always?

The diagonal of a square is not perpendicular to its side. The diagonal of a square will separate the square into two triangles. The diagonal goes from one corner to the opposite corner. Because it is a square, the diagonal and a side of the square will always form a 45-degree angle.

How is the length of a diagonal of a square found?

As a square has right angles, the diagonal forms a right triangle with two of the sides of the square. Therefore use Pythagoras: diagonal² = side² + side² → diagonal² = 2side² → diagonal = side × √2 Therefore to find the length of the diagonal of a square, multiply the side length of a square by the square root of 2.

How long is a diagonal of a square with sides of length 10 in?

Each of them is 14.14 inches long. (rounded)