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Q: How many decimals are in a product of a number with decimal places to the thousandths multiplied by a number with decimal places in the hundredths?
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What are decimals to the hundredths?

A decimal "to the hundredths" stops two value places after the decimal point.Here are some examples:Decimal to the hundredths: 1.09Decimal to the thousandths: 1.009Decimal to the ten thousandths: 1.0009

How do you estimate decimals?

Decimals are estimated by rounding off the decimal places to the nearest tenths,hundredths,thousandths,ten thousandths,etc.

How many decimal places are in the product of a number with decimal places to the thousandths multiplied by a number with decimal places to the hundredths?


How many decimal places are in a product of a number with decimal places to the thousandths multiplied by a number with decimal places to the hundredths?

There will be five decimal places.

How many decimal places are in the products of a number with decimal places to the thousandths multiplied by a number with decimal places to the hundredths?

5 of them.

How many decimal places are in the prouduct of a number with decimal places to the hundredths multiplied by a number with decimal places to the tenths?

probably 3, thousandths place.

Which is greater 5 hundredths or 5 thousandths both in decimal?

5 hundredths is greater. Whether the numbers are written as decimals or fractions, or in some other base is totally irrelevant.

How do you add decimals to thousandths?

You line up the decimals with the thousandths and put the decimal straight down from where it is and just add with the decimal in the same spot.

What is six hundred thousandths as a decimal?

To help understand decimals I'll give you a little chart. (wherever the one is placed is the name of the decimal): 0.1 = tenths 0.01 = hundredths 0.001 = thousandths 0.0001 = ten thousandths 0.00001 = hundred thousandths So six hundred thousandths would be 0.00006

Sixty-six hundredths as a decimal?

.66, the first number after the decimal is in the tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, etc.0.66

How do you write 114 thousandths in decimals?

114 thousandths = 0.114 in decimal

How many decimal places are in the product of decimal places to the thousandths multiplied by a number with decimal places to the hundredths?

There are 5 - unless one of the multiplicands ends in 5 and the last digit of the other is even.