Decimals are estimated by rounding off the decimal places to the nearest tenths,hundredths,thousandths,ten thousandths,etc.
Yes decimals are used in probability; also percent and odds.
12/25this is because you shouldn't have decimals on the numerator
It is an estimate that is quite safe
The estimate for 15,772 is 10,000
It could estimate to 480 or even 500, depending on what way you want to estimate it to.
In the same way as you estimate them for whole numbers.
to find a low estimate for the product of two decimals, round both factors
1.0 and 0.5
I think you round it to the nearest whole number...
Because some decimals are really long and hard to write down. Especially if they're not repeating ones. So people round them to be able to say them or write them.
0.235 * 0.6891 = 0.1619385 What's to estimate? The total decimal places in the multiplicands is the total in the answer.
Using an estimate ensures that the answer is about right. With decimals where the decimal point should go is difficult for a lot of people, so an estimate of the answer ensures that it is put in the right place.
by estimating the number after the decimal
round down till there is not a decimal. example: 4.4*5.6 round to 4*5= about 20 (lower estimate)
The same way as whole numbers. 0.3865 + 0.2274 could be estimated as 0.40 + 0.20 = 0.6
decimals must be estimates unless they have multiples of 2 or 5 in the mantissa 1.857142857 + 2.142857142 =3.9999999999 estimate 4.00000000 1 6/7 + 2 1/7 = 4 exact 1.1250000000 + 2.875 = 4.000 +- only 3 significant digits so best estimate possible 1 1/8 + 2 7/8 = 4 exact