An infinite number. (Countably infinite, if you want to be more precise, though perhaps more confusing).
You cannot. There are infinitely many even numbers and their sum is not convergent.
Not all composite numbers are even, but all even numbers except 2 are composite.
Start print "the sum of all even numbers is infinite" end
All of the even numbers are divisible by 2.
If at least one of the numbers is even, the result will be even. Otherwise all the numbers are odd and the result will be odd.
no all even numbers except 2
it is the integers of even numbers which divide all the even numbers
There is only one even prime number, and that is 2. The reason is that all even numbers greater than 2 have 2 as a factor.
All even numbers are divisible by 2.
None of them. All counting numbers are either odd or even.
None. All counting numbers are even or odd.
Infinitely many - all the way to minus infinity!