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The slope-intercept form of the equation of the line is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

In our case, for m = 1, this equation becomes y = x + b.

To graph this equation, we can start form the point (0, b). Since the slope is 1, we can write it as 1/1, and use it to determine a second point on the line. Based on the slope, 1/1 = rise/run, we move from the point (0, b) 1 unit up (the rise) and 1 unit to the right (the run). This puts us a second point on the line, (1, b + 1).

Now that we have two points, (0, b) and (1, b + 1), we can draw a line that passes through them, which is the graph of y = x + b.

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Q: If m is 1 in a linear equation how do you know which way to graph the equation?
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