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18.6 m/52.6 degrees tan= 14.2

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Q: If the angle of elevation of the sun is 52.6 degrees and the height of a building is 18.6m the building casts a shadow of 12.3m 14.2m 16.4m 14.9m or none of those?
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(Height of the building)/(length of the shadow) = tangent of 31° .Height = 73 tan(31°) = 43.9 feet (rounded)

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When the angle of elevation equals 45 degrees. tan-1(1) = 45 degrees.

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If you mean the height of the building then it works out as 466.5063509 feet

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Angle of elevation: tan-1(100/130) = 37.6 degrees rounded to one decimal place

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Using trigonometry the angle of elevation is 77 degrees rounded to the nearest degree

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If you also know its shadow then you can work out the angle of elevation

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By means of trigonometry if you know the angle of elevation or by comparing it with a nearby object if you know its height and shadow length.

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D/G = x/C The x is the height of the neighboring building. Just cross-multiply, then divide.

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Height of building/105 = 6/14 Multiply both sides by 105: Height = 630/14 Height = 45 feet

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Using trigonometery if you know the length of its shadow and angle of elevation

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Using the tangent ratio height of telegraph pole is 55 feet to the nearest integer.