

Is any number divisible by 12 is divisible by 3 and 4?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is any number divisible by 12 is divisible by 3 and 4?
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What is a number that is divisible by 2 and 3?

6, 12, 18 ect. any number that is divisible by three and is even

What 2 digit numbers are divisible by 3 but not by 6?

Since 3 is a factor of 6, any number divisible by 6 is also divisible by 3. But since 2 is also a factor of 6, then any number divisible by 6 must also be divisible by 2. This means that any number divisible by 6 is an even number. So if a number is odd and it is divisible by 3, then it is not divisible by 6. For example, 12 is divisible by 3, but since it is even, it is also divisible by 6. But 15 is divisible by 3, and it is odd, so it is not divisible by 6.

What is divisible by three?

Any number with a factor of 3 is completely divisible by 3. These numbers include 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on. An equation to find these numbers would be 3x=y, where x is any number you want, and y will be the number divisible by 3.

What number is divisible by 6 but not 3?

There is no such number. Since 6 is divisible by 3, then any number that is divisible by 6 automatically has to be divisible by 3.

Write a rule to determine when a number is divisible by 12?

A number is divisible by 12 if it is divisible by 3 AND it is divisible by 4. Rule 1a (Divisibility by 3): Add up all the digits of the number. Is this number divisible by 3? Rule 1b (Divisibility by 4): Is the number formed by the last two digits of the original number (the number left after deleting the hundreds, thousands, millions etc) divisible by 4? If the answer to 1a is NO, then the number is not divisible by 3 and so not divisible by 12. In this case, obviously, rule 1b is irrelevant. If the answer to 1b is NO, then the number is not divisible by 4 and so not divisible by 12. If the answer to both 1a and 1b is YES, then the number is divisible by 12.

How can you tell if a number is divisible by 12?

If a number is divisible by both three and four, it's divisible by twelve.

How do you tell if a number is divisible by 3?

If the sum of the digits can be divided by 3. 93 is divisible by 3 because 9+3=12 we know 12 is divisible by 3 because 1+2=3 so the number is divisible by 3.

What numbers are not divisible by 6?

These numbers are not evenly divisible by 6: Any number smaller than 6. Any odd number (not divisible by 2). Any number not divisible by 3. If a number is divisible by both 2 and 3, it is divisible by 6.

What number is divisible by 6 also a multiple of 3?

As 6 is divisible by 3, ANY dumber divisible by 6 is also therefore divisible by 3. Any number divisible by 3 is ALSO a multiple of 3.

Can a number be divisible by 9 and 3?

Yes, any number divisible by 9 is also divisible by 3.

How do you know if 3 goes into a number?

Add up the digits of the number. If the sum is divisible by 3, then the number itself is divisible by 3. Ex: Is 781 divisible by 3? 7+8+1=16 16 is not divisible by 3 so neither is 781 Is 903 divisible by 3? 9+0+3= 12 12 is divisible by 3 so 903 is divisible by 3

Are all numbers divisible by 3 and 4 divisible by 6?

Yes. If a number is evenly divisible by both 3 and 4, it will also be divisible by 6.This is because the prime factor of 3 is [3] -- in other words, 3 is a prime number -- and the prime factors of 4 are [2, 2].Thus, any number that is divisible by 3 and 4 will have as part of its prime factors the set [2, 2, 3]. (The smallest such number is 12, which is 2 x 2 x 3.) Since the prime factors of 6 are [2, 3] -- and [2, 3] is a subset of [2, 2, 3] -- then any such number must also be divisible by 6.Another way to look at it is to note that all numbers which are divisible by both 3 and 4 are also divisible by 12 (which is 3 x 4). Since 12 is divisible by 6, then all multiples of 12 will also be divisible by 6.