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Q: Is the product of two binomials always be a trinomial?
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Will the product of two binomials after combining like terms always be trinomial?

No. A counter-example proves the falsity: Consider the two binomials (x + 2) and (x - 2). Then (x + 2)(x - 2) = x2 - 2x + 2x - 4 = x2 - 4 another binomial.

What does it mean when it says write each polynomial as the product of two binomials?

It means that the question has been written by someone who does not know what the word "polynomial" means, or else that this is a copy-and-paste by someone who knows even less! Only a trinomial can be written as a product of two binomials. No polynomial of any other order can!

How do you multiply trinomials with binomials in algebra?

A binomial has two terms, while a trinomial has 3 terms. So both terms of the binomial will multiply each term of the trinomial (distribution property). After the multiplication you'll have 6 terms. Look for like terms, if there are, combine them.

How do you write two binomials whose product is a difference of squares?

The two binomials can be written as (x - a)(x + a), for any constant a. Proof: Expand using FOIL: (x - a)(x + a) = x2 + xa - xa - a2 Group: (x - a)(x + a) = x2 - a2 x2 - a2 is a difference of squares. Thus, the product of (x - a) and (x + a) is a difference of squares.

How can you factor a polynomial in standard form completely?

You can factor a polynomial using one of these steps: 1. Factor out the greatest common monomial factor. 2. Look for a difference of two squares or a perfect square trinomial. 3. Factor polynomials in the form ax^2+bx+c into a product of binomials. 4. Factor a polynomial with 4 terms by grouping.

Related questions

Will the product of two binomials always equal a trinomial?

no, because some examples are: (a-2)(a+2) = a^2-4 (binomial) & (a+b)(c-d) = ac-ad+bc-db (polynomial) but can 2 binomials equal to a monomial?

Will the product of two binomials after combining like terms always be trinomial?

No. A counter-example proves the falsity: Consider the two binomials (x + 2) and (x - 2). Then (x + 2)(x - 2) = x2 - 2x + 2x - 4 = x2 - 4 another binomial.

What does it mean when it says write each polynomial as the product of two binomials?

It means that the question has been written by someone who does not know what the word "polynomial" means, or else that this is a copy-and-paste by someone who knows even less! Only a trinomial can be written as a product of two binomials. No polynomial of any other order can!

Which of the binomials below is a factor if this trinomial x2 plus 6x-40?

You didn't bother to list the binomials to choose from, but the two binomial factors of x2 + 6x - 40 are (x + 10) and (x - 4)

What is the sum and difference pattern for the product of two binomials?


What relationship of product of two integers to the product of two binomials?

the two consecutive positive integers whose product is 380 19 20

You can find the product of any two binomials using the property?


You can find the product of any two binomials using what property?


When is the product of two binomials also a binomial?

(a-b) (a+b) = a2+b2

Which of the binomial below is a factor of this trinomial x2 plus 2x-35?

X2 + 2X - 35(X - 5)(X + 7)================take your pick of these two binomials

Can you give me 5 example of product of two binomials?

no please give me 5 riddles about product of 2 binomial

How do you multiply trinomials with binomials in algebra?

A binomial has two terms, while a trinomial has 3 terms. So both terms of the binomial will multiply each term of the trinomial (distribution property). After the multiplication you'll have 6 terms. Look for like terms, if there are, combine them.