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Q: What Pictorial sketch shows the most descriptive features parallel to the plane of projection?
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Related questions

What is dimetric projections?

It is a parallel projection. A pictorial drawing of an object is created by projecting on a similar axel.

What is difference between parallel and perspective projection in Computer Graphics?

Parallel projection does not produces realistic views whereas perspective projection produces realistic viewin parallel projection lines of projection are parallel whereas in perspective projection lines are not parallel and the point where these lines meets is called ceter of projection in case of perspective projection

Which projection has the patient positioned facing the film and parallel to it?

posteroanterior projection

What is projection has parallel latitude lines and parallel longitude lines?

'po';op'[ 'po';/l.;;

What is a map projection where the lines of longitude are parallel called?

That's true of the Mercator projection, among others.

Are parallels parallel on a gnomonic projection?

a parallel is two line that never cross each other

What is the difference between orthogonal and perspective projection?

perspective projection is defined by straight rays of projection drawn from object to the centre of projection and image is drawn where these rays untersect with the viewplane...while parallel projection is defined by parallel lines drawn from object in fixed direction towards the viewplane In perspective projection centre of projection is at finite distance from viewplane and in parallel projection centre of projection lies at infinite distance. respective projection form realistic picture of object but parallel projection do not form realistic view of object

What is the auxiliary drawing?

Auxiliary views utilize an additional projection plane other than the common planes in a multiview. Since the features of an object need to show the true shape and size of the object, the projection plane must be parallel to the object surface. Therefore, any surface that is not in line with the three major axis needs its own projection plane to show the features correctly.

What projection has the patient positioned with the back parallel to the film?


What is a conical projection map?

a paper cone is placed on a globe like a hat, tangent to it at some parallel, and a point source of light at the center of the globe projects the surface features onto the cone.

An oblique projection has the patients body positioned parallel to the film?


Which radiographic projection has the patient positioned with the back parallel to the film?
